Offering Usborne Books, Kane Miller Books, Learning Wrap-Ups and SmartLab Toys

10 Reasons to Join PaperPie
1. The Product
As you read our books you will fall in love with them more and more. And so will your children!! Most StoryMakers were past hosts or guests because they LOVE our books.
2. Product is NOT Over-Priced
Our books are very high quality and cost thousands of dollars to produce, but yet 80% of our titles are still under $10! Compare this to other direct sales companies – most of their products are over-priced in comparison to what is found in a retail store. That makes a difference for people who are considering booking a show. Party hosts love that they can offer their friends a high quality product that is worthwhile to have. And with PaperPie’s money-saving options, it is a great value for customers.
3. Wide Variety
A lot of companies have a small product line and/or that are limited to certain ages or gender specific, thus limiting the market base and potential recruits (men could sell makeup but most likely won’t). PaperPie is a business opportunity for both men and women with over 2000 books items to offer to parents, grandparents, kids, schools, libraries, community groups and organizations.
4. No Monthly Minimums for Brand Partners
This makes PaperPie perfect fit for those with full-time jobs looking for a second stream of income, those with families, those looking for something seasonal – anyone looking for flexibility.
5. No Inventory
Simply display sample books and use catalogs for people to place orders – no need to carry inventory. For booth events you can order books on consignment and pay them off after your event.
6. No Delivering
With PaperPie, Brand Partners have the option of sending party orders directly to hosts. Plus, all website sales are automatically packed/shipped to the customer from the corporate warehouse w/o Brand Partners having to process anything.
7. NOT Required to Buy New Titles
Brand Partners are not required to purchase new titles or new kits each season to renew their status – the option to add new titles is YOUR CHOICE! 😉 Once you are a Brand Partner you are always a Brand Partner and can restart at any time.
8. No Territories
With PaperPie, you can move around the USA and not lose your team-building efforts. Some companies have territories, meaning that you can only recruit in your certain local area and that if you move you have to start from zero all over again! It is important in our mobile society for people to know they can build and take this business with them.
9. Several Marketing Options
Not Limited to Only Home Parties! You can choose the marketing avenue that best suits you and your family. And as your family grows, the business model allows you to change and adapt to other marketing options.
Home Parties
Facebook Parties
Internet Sales
School/Library Sales
Literacy for a Lifetime – A 50% Matching Grant Program
Reach for the Stars Fundraisers and Book Bonanzas
Cards for a Cause Fundraisers – up to a 43% cash return
Book Fairs offering up to 50% in free books
There is something for everyone no matter what their style or local market is!!
10. Plenty of Room for More!
PaperPie is old enough to be financially stable and growing strong. – yet, young enough for anyone to start a business in their community. Compared with older, larger companies, we’ve only just begun.